WarpUp (29/72)

From:Andrea Gaviraghi
Date:07 Apr 00 at 10:26:31
Subject:Prob with my AMY

Hi all,

'cause I had (have) a lot of problems about heat and power supply.
This is my config.: -A1200 in a Power Tower;

ATM I have only one fan (on the PPC) and 2 heat sink (Permedia2 & 040)
without fan.
Before install the OS3.5 I solved all my heat/supply related problems using
the configuration mentioned above (but with a 230W PSU and a 16x IDE CD-ROM
and 4,3Gb IDE HD). Only in that way I was able to use my AMIGA without any
kind of problems, freeze,ecc... In fact if I was trying to put two fans on
the P2 and on the 040 sometimes I got freeze and blocks on my AMIGA. These
probs occurred randomly whether after 5 minutes or after 1 hour, until I
removed the to fans on P2 & 040.
So the problems were caused by the two fans. I know it's seem incredible but
the only way to use my AMIGA was this.
I continued to use my stable AMIGA before updating to OS3.5. The probs
restarted. I tried a lot of solutions.

other one for devices, ecc...


I need your help me with your advices, 10x
E-mail me privately to avoid annoying mails on this ML, and please use my
home address 'cause I'm at work now: agavo@rete039.it
Thank you very much in advance to everybody will help me.
And finally sorry for my "school level" english :-)
Bye bye